CR Plus Limited is a specialist consultancy operating in the energy, environmental and sustainability fields, predominantly serving industrial processes and manufacturing. 

CR Plus formed in 2005 and primarily identifying and supporting energy efficiency and process improvement projects for manufacturing industries. CR Plus has evolved into a diverse team able to identify, specify, design and project manage cost effective sustainable, practical solutions to help Industry meet the UK’s Net Zero Carbon challenge.

The CR Plus team includes a blend of engineering, energy and management consultancy expertise enabling us to zero in on the right viable options suitable to the difficult to decarbonise sectors.  We focus on projects that have a viable business case, enabling industrial sites to do the “Right Thing” and strengthen financial viability. We consider aspects wider than just energy and carbon, looking as well for opportunities in materials, processes, and the circular economy, focussing on tangential business drivers such as waste reduction, process improvement or new product development to deliver truly integrated/holistic business improvement solutions.

Within the RtBC project, CR Plus are providing leadership in the Partner collaborative formation of Zero Carbon Hub (ZC Hub) use cases, bringing energy engineering skills to the project and a bottom-up approach to enable real Zero Carbon Hubs projects to be progressed. Our work will open up a suite of solutions and opportunities offering opportunities for diverse Black Country manufacturers to determine their practical net zero carbon pathways.  
One use case will be developed to an initial design stage with technical input from our highly competent engineering team. The experience we can bring from our delivery of complex industrial projects for heavy industry in other UK regions will be crucial to mitigate risks and natural hesitancy for Black Country businesses as they enter an uncertain Net Zero landscape.

CR Plus are excited to be participating and collaborating with such a strong project team that are fully committed to delivering the Zero Carbon Hub strategy in the region beyond the end of the current RtBC plan phase. As both CR Plus Directors live in the West Midlands they have a vested interest in securing a sustainable future for our manufacturing heritage and in stimulating clean growth.

Richard Pyatt image

Richard Pyatt

Director of CR Plus Limited

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Richard Pyatt

Richard Pyatt

Director of CR Plus Limited

I am a Director of CR Plus Limited with 15 years of experience in energy and engineering consultancy. In addition to Director and Team Management responsibilities, I create and shape strategic and detailed energy & decarbonisation projects via surveys and feasibility studies, helping predominantly industrial businesses find solutions that support their strategic business direction.  

In recent years I have contributed to regional studies including the industry work package for the National Grid sponsored zero2050 project which aimed to determine the future landscape of industrial power and heat demand for a selected region. I have also devised plans for energy and resource improvement projects for heavy industrial plants with examples including the ‘Recycled Water’ project at a large refinery which has since progressed through to implementation achieving Zero water abstraction and an 85% reduction in effluent plant discharge.

I have undertaken detailed feasibility and design work on the subjects such as industrial fuel switching and with a wide array of technologies including, amongst others, Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT) and various forms of Waste Heat Recovery (WHR).   

I will lead the ‘Zero Carbon Hub’ work package for the RtBC project, investigating and devising the opportunities in the region for zero carbon manufacturing and localised energy generation/distribution. Working with our Partners ProEnviro, WMG, District Eating and technology provider Kew Tech, we will develop Zero Carbon Hubs that the Black Country Consortium can establish alignment with local masterplans. We aim to progress as rapidly as possible at least 1 of these ZC Hub projects to allow our financial investment Partner M3MAS to attract investment. Our Zero Carbon Hubs will combine Net Zero Carbon energy opportunities with Net Zero Carbon Materials and Circular Economy opportunities to provide truly sustainable local opportunities for local communities.

Benjamin White image

Benjamin White

Mechanical Engineer

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Benjamin White

Benjamin White

Mechanical Engineer

I am one of the newest members of CR Plus, after joining the company at the start of September 2021. Over the last four years, I have completed my master’s in mechanical engineering, achieving a first-class honours degree from Durham University. I had a focus on thermal dynamics and fluid mechanics throughout the course, taking a high interest in alternate energies and the transfer of energy throughout a system.

My final year project was to design a hydrogen-fuelled trigeneration system for the use on an island within the UK. I chose Lundy Island to be my case study, due to their complete reliance on a few diesel generators. Through my research, I found a way to adapt current diesel generators to allow a hydrogen feedstock, through the application of direct injection. Therefore, the island could be powered, as long as there is a supply of hydrogen. The example I used in my report was to produce green hydrogen using wind turbines, to reduce the reliance on shipping. As a result, my paper got published in The World Energy Storage Technology Conference (WESC2021).

Through CR Plus, I am able to learn about energy efficiency opportunities, decarbonisation strategies and other ways to reduce the cost of industries. Not only this, but we apply a wide range of technologies such as combined heat and power (CHP), waste heat recovery (WHR) and more recently advanced conversion technology (ACT). Even though I have only been with the company a short time, I have been able to help them through energy balance diagrams, organising and managing meetings and timings, as well as communicating with clients on sites.

Using our expertise and consultancy experience, CR Plus will help deliver the masterplan for the ‘Zero Carbon Hubs’ such that the Black Country Consortium can establish an alignment with local masterplans. Through the collaboration with of our partners (ProEnviro, WMG, District Eating and technology provider Kew Tech), we can provide a ‘Zero Carbon Hub’ with localised net-zero energy generation, circular economy opportunities and the integration of CCUS. Not only this, but we aim to carve a pathway to turn the masterplan into a reality, with the help of funding opportunities provided by M3MAS. Combining these factors together will provide a successful net-zero future for the Black Country.

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