The net-zero Routemap was unveiled on the 12 November 2020 and details a plan to deliver a net-zero water supply for customers by 2030 in the world's first sector-wide commitment of its kind.

The net-zero 2030 documents details the water sectors vision on how they will reach net-zero on 2030, a full two decades before the UK government's legally binding target of 2050.

Water companies account for almost a third of UK industrial and waste process emisisons. 

By 2030 the aims include:

1. Low emissions vehicles
100% of fleet passenger vehicles are electrified and 80% of commercial vehicles (LGVs and HGVs) converted to alternative fuels to cut carbon and air pollution.

2. Water and energy saving
New strategies to tackle leakage and help customers save water, alongside smarter and more efficient networks and catchments.

3. Process emissions
Targeting a reduction of up to 60% from our 2018-19 baseline by 2030, with monitoring of emissions to inform research and detailed pathways ahead of PR24.

4. Renewable power
Up to 3GW of new solar and wind power coupled with energy efficiency measures and suitable storage will provide up to 80% of sector demand, relieving pressure on grid generators, and minimise the need for offsets.

5. Green gas
Biomethane from sewage waste is injected into the grid to heat up to 150,000 homes, to be used in hard to decarbonise sectors, or to generate Low Carbon power when generation from renewable sources is insufficient.

Both the Routemap Summary and Full Routemap can be found by clicking this link.

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